WHY INDIAN DANCE One of the ways in which people express happiness, any where in the world is through celebration with song and dances. Excessive pace has become the password of the day. Tending to one's career and family seems to leave little time for tending to oneself. Just as a machine needs oiling, the body and the mind require replenishing, nourishing activities in order to thrive. Indian Classical Dances embody a whole spiritual force. It offers a tranquility, a serenity in which one can first lose and then rediscover the inner core of one's identity.
WHY INDIAN DANCE Indian dance was first created by Lord Shiva. One of the forms of Shiva is Natraj who creates and destroys through his cosmic dance. Later, his art was passed on to the human world by the yogis, Narad and Bharat Muni, through the ancient books known as the Rig Vedas and Natya Sastra. In these books the authors write about the science behind dance and drama. Shri Natraj School of Dance was founded to embolden this theme with a mission of promoting and educating Indian dance in great city of Houston, TX.
WHO TEACHES DANCE Kusum Sharma, the dance director at the school, has been directing dance performances and shows for over 15 years. She is a trained Bharatnatyam & Kathak dancer and well versed in many folk dances like Garba, Dandia, Bhangra, Gidda to name just a few. Kusum has taken dance classes for all age group starting at three years to over 40 years. Kusum also takes dance workshop and classes for American's ladies interested in Indian dance.